Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lesson-4: Free Internet Business:Generate income through your blog!

Lesson-4: Free Internet Business:

Generate income through your blog!

Dear program participant,

Now, you will know “how to create ads in your blog” .

You know to open your website/blog by entering through by logging in by entering your user name and pass word.

Keep your email id as user name and email pass word as your password for the blog also. You can have any convenient user name and password. But don’t get confused by keeping too many or that you can not remember easily.
Now keep your blog open. In the sense that you are going to edit the main page and the side bars as well. Keep this blog open but in the(-) minimized condition.

Now, you are going to open an ad sense account for getting the ad sense code for displaying the Google ads in your site.

How to open an income (ad sense) account:Just go to:

Sign a new ad sense account by submitting details required in the format. You need to furnish all the required details, so that there should not be any problem in receiving money from Google. Now you are admitted into the Google’s ad sense account!

A. To display Google ads:

Please go to the web page of Google’s ad sense account.

Log in to your account at

  1. Click the Ad Sense Setup tab and choose “Ad Sense for content” as the product.
  2. Follow the guided steps to choose your ad type, format, color, and any additional options.
  3. Copy the ad code from the Your Ad Sense Code box.
  4. Paste the code into the appropriate page on your site/blog.

Please try to do it yourself. Nothing go wrong!

B. To display an Ad Sense for search box:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click the Ad Sense Setup tab and choose Ad Sense for search now, as the product.
  3. Follow the guided steps to choose your search type, search box, search results style, and any additional options. Just watch and follow the displayed details.
  4. Copy the search code from the Your Ad Sense Code box.
  5. Paste the code into the appropriate page on your site. The code may be placed in the main page at the top or at the bottom. It may be placed in the place provided in the side bar. You can preview and publish or republish.

You can find more detailed instructions on adding the code to your site by viewing Google’s Quick Start guide.

If implemented correctly, Google ads or a search box will appear immediately just after publishing/ republishing in your blog. Initially, the ads that appear may be public service ads, for which you will not receive earnings.

Once Google’s crawlers have visited your page, however, targeted ads related to your subject of the blog will begin to appear automatically. Then the visitors will click open and read the ads for learning and procuring the product or services advertised.

Here comes your earning part of it.
When your blog is visited and ads are clicked open and read, your income will get credited. When the search box is used to search the web from your site, your account will get credited. Do not click your ads on your computer.

You will know it slowly by exploring the details of the operations in the account.

Now your blog and Google’s ad sense account is ready for generating income.

you can generate number of blogs and earn a handsome income from them steadily.


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